This brief guide will explain how to add or edit a ChronoTrack Live User so that they have access to an Event in ChronoTrack Live. Please note that you must be given 'Can Admin Users' access to any Event's Organization you intend to grant a user access to. To have this role added to your account, please contact
The 'Can Admin Users' role can ONLY be assigned by ChronoTrack staff.
Before we take a look at granting user access, let's talk about Roles. There are a variety of Roles that can be assigned to users that give or limit control over events with which users are associated. If you have the 'Can Admin Users' permission for your timing organization, you will have the ability to add users to ChronoTrack Live and give them permissions within the events in your organization.
Here is a brief summary of each role:
- Timer – able to create new events and edit events with which the user is already associated. The Timer has access to modify most aspects of an Event. Timers cannot access any financially-related features, reports, or data including the Financial Dashboard.
- Event Director – able to create new events and edit events with which the user is already associated. The Director can view most reports including financial reports and has access to modify all non-scoring aspects of the event.
- Photography – able to upload photos to events with which the user is associated and view some photo-related reports.
A Photographer may not sync photos. - Timer Support – "Timer Lite". Able to view and edit athletes (can’t import), scoring, media, and reports (except financial reports).
- Event Support – "Event Director Lite". Able to create events and view and edit registration (can’t import/export), athletes, and reports (except financial reports).
- Developer - able to use the API to pull information from events in CT Live.
- Can Admin Users - allows you to add users to CT Live and assign Roles
- 3rd Party Reports - allows access to reports in events where reports are marked as '3rd Party Available. For more on 3rd party reports, click HERE.
Adding a User
If the user doesn't already have a ChronoTrack Live account, you may add them and assign them a role.
- From any page of CT Live, click the My Users button.
- Click Create New User
- Fill in the user's information and click Continue
- On the next page, select the Role you would like to assign.
- Select the Organization to which you would like to give the user access.
- Finally, select the specific Event you would like to give the user access to, or select All. If you would like to grant the user access to multiple single events, click the blue Add Another link.
- Click Complete & Save
Editing an Existing User
Please note that the user you would like to edit must already be associated with one of your Organizations for which you have 'Can Admin Users' permission. If they are not, you must contact
- From any page in CT Live, click the My Users button.
- Search for the user you would like to edit, and click Edit next to their name.
- Click the Roles tab and select the Organization to which you would like to give the user access.
- Finally, select the specific Event you would like to give the user access to, or select All. If you would like to grant the user access to multiple single events, click the blue Add Another link.
- Click Complete & Save