Quick Process GIF! (Read full guide below)
Download and Install
You can download the Media Uploader for Mac or Windows from the Media > Athlinks Media Uploader tab of any CT Live event.
Once you've downloaded the tool, install it on your computer and allow it through your firewall/antivirus software if prompted.
Some Windows builds do not recognize the program's certification, so you may see a message saying that the program is suspicious. Click the "More Info" link in that message and click "Install Anyway".
Add An Event
To start uploading, open the Media Uploader and click the START NEW JOB button.
Next, go to the Media > Media Upload Tool tab in the CT Live event you want to upload to and click the COPY button next to your event's Media Authentication Code.
Now, paste the code into the text field in the Event Selection panel of Media Uploader and click Add Event. You'll see a success message and the event will appear below the Add Event button.
Click the event to start uploading Photos and Videos.
Select a Camera and Upload Files
ALL photos must be 2:3 aspect ratio JPG/JPEG images. ALL videos must be MP4 format. If you have to re-encode the video from another format, we recommend Handbrake. For best results, select the "h.264" Video Codec option when encoding. For best results, copy media over to your computer before uploading.
Once you click on an event, click the SELECT CAMERA dropdown to select a camera. Icons to the left of each camera will show you if the camera is for Photos or Videos.
Once you've selected a Camera, you can either drag and drop a folder into the panel below or click the CLICK TO BROWSE FILES button and use your computer's file explorer to locate the images.
If you need to upload photos from multiple folders to a single camera, you should combine the folders together into one. Otherwise you will need to run two separate Jobs.
Once you've added some images, click the UPLOAD button.
As upload progresses, you'll see a progress bar displaying the completion percentage. Each photo/video will show a Status. Possible statuses are Waiting, Awaiting Modification, Modifying, Uploading, Upload Successful, and Error (more on errors below).
Photo Progress:
Video Progress:
You can start new jobs while a job is running. Only one job can run at the same time, so any additional jobs you start will stay in the Job Queue until the current one finishes.
When a job finishes, you can click it in the Finished Jobs field to view a summary of the import.
If any images experienced errors, those images will be sorted to the top for inspection.
"Bad Image Ratio" means that the image was not in 2:3 aspect ratio.
"Bad Exif" means that the photo didn't have any metadata. A photo must have metadata that includes a time stamp for auto-syncing photos in CT Live.
If you want to clear out a Finished Job, just click the X next to the event under the Finished Jobs heading and confirm in the popup window.
When you're done uploading media to an event, you can click the three dots to the right of the event and click Remove Event.