The Awards report can be found on the Reports tab in the Scoring section. Each race within your Event will automatically have a corresponding Awards report, along with an Overall results report, and a Division Results report.
If you click on the report link, it will open in a new tab. This report will be blank until results have begun to be generated for the event.
You can modify the display properties of the report in a variety of ways by clicking the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen.
The options you can edit are:
- Title
- Report Description
- Race - the race within your event that the Awards report will show rankings for.
- Award Interval - allows you to specify a specific interval to rank within the race. This defaults to the Full Course interval.
- Overall Rank Type - affects the Overall bracket only
- Display Ranked Intervals - shows the course time for any intervals within the race.
- Flag Athletes with Missing Valid Start Times - the entries for any athletes with missing Start times will be colored yellow. This does not remove anyone from the report.
- Include Athlete Contact Info - reveals additional contact fields at the bottom of the edit window
- Entry Status (below the Brackets) - determine which type of Athlete the report uses to calculate awards, whether Confirmed, Disqualified, Withdrawn, or Did Not Finish.
- Save as New (below the Brackets) - allows you to save the report as a new copy. If saving a new copy, you should re-name the Report to help differentiate it from the original.
- You can also view the currently-selected Awards Policy (The Awards Policy is used to prevent double-dipping and is a setting requiring Timer access to set).
The final feature set in the Awards report's settings is the ability to set the Award Depth and re-order reports. To set the depth, simply enter the number of people to be ranked in the Depth field.
To re-order how brackets appear in the Report, click on the arrows on the left side of the bracket and drag the bracket to its new position.
You can remove brackets by clicking the Remove link on the right side of the bracket. If there are brackets not in the report, you will see the + Add Another and + Add All options appear.
Once you have tailored the Report to your needs, click the Save & Close button.
Once results are generated for your event, the Awards report will appear similarly to the image below, displaying Rank, Name, Hometown, Primary Division, Award Time, Pace, and Bib.
There is also a Remove Age Bracket button to the left of each athlete's name. If there are athletes who need to be excluded from Age Awards quickly, clicking this button will open the Athlete's profile in a new browser tab and will remove the athlete from all age-type brackets, including Masters categories.
You can export the report in various formats including CSV, JSON, and XML. You can also use the Print button to launch the printable version of the report in a new tab that triggers your browser's print dialogue.You can print the report from this page or use the print dialogue to save it as a PDF in the format displayed.