This articles will give a brief overview of the most-common Financial reports that you may find useful and details about each one. This should not be taken as a comprehensive list. We recommend spending time familiarizing yourself with the various reports available to you and their possible uses.
If one of the reports below doesn't appear in your Reports tab, you can Add a New Report at any time. If you don't see the Report in the list of those available, make sure your account has the proper Role Permissions set.
Please remember that you might not need to use all of these reports. Some of them are very situation-specific.
When viewing some Reports such as the Net Due report, some people can get confused about the different Pay Types that are displayed.
- Cash payments are usually from on-site payments where the athlete actually paid with cash. You may also see a Cash transaction if an Athlete was manually added and Cash was selected as the payment type.
You will also see Cash noted if someone paid with a 100% off Coupon. This is because the registration was done through CT Live, but we didn't receive any money from the Athlete. CT Live views a coupon as cash value. - Check payments behave identically to Cash payments, and can be displayed in reports for the same reasons.
- Credit transactions will only be displayed in Reports if an Athlete registered through the ChronoTrack Live Registration process. Credit is not a selectable pay type when manually adding an Athlete.
The Reports
The reports listed below assume an account with an Event Director Role. Some of these reports may not be available to you, depending on the Roles set for your account.
- Daily Fee Summary – this report shows a summary of Registration Fees due to CT Live for each day on which registrations took place. The report includes Date, Type of registration, Currency, TX Count (transaction count), Entry Count, Total reg income, Reg Fee, CTLive Fee, Org Fee, Evnt Refund total, and Net Due.
The TX Count may not be equal to the Entry Count due to multiple Athletes registering on the same Reg Form, manually added entries, or imported entries.
- Fee Details – this report shows financial details for each Athlete on a per-week basis. The report shows Invoice number, Account Name, Type, Currency, Date and Time of registration, Total fee, Reg Fee, Standard Shirt price, Coupon value, CT Live fee and Org Fee, Event Refund, and Net Due. You can edit the report to show only specific weeks. You can also elect to have the report display Athlete Contact Information.
If your event uses VAT, additional columns will show the breakdown of all specifics for VAT percentages and amounts.
- Net Due – this report is identical to the Daily Fee Summary report with the exception that it adds the Standard Shirt and Coupon headings.
If your event uses VAT, additional columns will show the breakdown of all specifics for VAT percentages and amounts.
- Refund – this report summarizes all Refunds issued for the Event. It includes, Date of refund, Entry Name, Name on CC, Invoice ID, Type, Description, and Refund amount.
- Weekly Reg by Reg Choice – this report shows weekly registration totals based on Reg Choice. It shows Week number, reg choice Name, Type, TX Count (transaction count), Entry Count, Total, Reg Fee, Standard Shirt, Coupon, Adjustments, Event Refund, and Net Due.
- Photos Sales – this report shows the total number of Photos Sold, the Price per photo, and the Total income for photos. You can define a custom date range to view photo sales for specific time frames. You can also choose to remove financial information from the report. In this case, the report will only show total Photos Sold.