CT Live's Registration and Scoring features are built around the Races in an Event, so nothing can be done with Registration or Scoring until at least one Race has been created.
Each Event may have multiple Races, like a Half Marathon, 10k and 5k. Each of those races might have variations in pricing, team policies, etc. The attributes fall under what we call Registration Choices. After you set up your races, you can set these options up under Registration > Choices.
You may want to set up two races of the same distance if you are having both a Half Marathon and Half Marathon Relay at your event, for example. While both of these are the same distance, if you want to have the results of each of these scored and shown separately, you should create them as separate races.
Please consult with your Timer before creating any Races. If Races are created with incorrect configuration, it may cause serious complications later on.
Creating a Race
To create a race:
- Click the +Add Race button on the Event tab. Or to edit a race, click on the race you would like to edit.
- Enter a Race Name, then select a Race Type. There are 6 selectable race types: Running, Biking, Swimming, Multisport, Obstacle, and Other. You should also select a Race Subtype. This supplies a more specific classification to your race which paves the way for closer integration with Athlinks. For Swimming and Obstacle race types, there are currently no associated Subtypes. If the sub-type of your Race is not displayed for any of the Race Types, please contact ChronoTrack so we can add it.
- Select a Course Distance type and enter a number value. Course distance types include Kilometers, Miles, Meters, Yards, andCourse distance defaults to Kilometers.
- Selecting Multisport from the Race Type dropdown reveals the Leg Distance This allows you to specify the types of sports involved with the race and the distance for each. The multisport feature also automatically configures the Course with Timing Points and Intervals. (For information on Timing Points and Intervals, see the article on the Timer Knowledge Base). You can add additional legs by clicking the + Add Another link below the Leg Distance pane.
- Selecting Multisport from the Race Type dropdown reveals the Leg Distance This allows you to specify the types of sports involved with the race and the distance for each. The multisport feature also automatically configures the Course with Timing Points and Intervals. (For information on Timing Points and Intervals, see the article on the Timer Knowledge Base). You can add additional legs by clicking the + Add Another link below the Leg Distance pane.
- Next you can specify Max Entrants. If you are only able to include a certain number of athletes in a given race, this is a useful tool for limiting entries. Once the limit is reached, registration will automatically close.
- Set the Planned Start time and Planned End time for the race. These choices default to the date and time of the Event Start and End.
- You can also choose whether or not your Race Allows Teams. Selecting Yes enables a variety of team-related features.
- Allow Penalties is turned on by default for Multi-Sport races, but you can also turn it on for other races as well. This will show the Penalties sub-tab of the Scoring tab. This is enabled by default for Multisport Races and cannot be disabled.
- Next you can specify an Age Ref Time. This is used to calculate the participant’s race age as of the Event date. This setting defaults to the time and date of the event start.
- Display Race within Online Results enables or disables the ability for athletes to view results for the race when viewing Online Results. This is useful for untimed races such as Fun Runs.
- Enable Athlete Update Sign Up adds the Athlete Update opt-in feature to the registration forms.
- When finished with your settings, click Complete & Save.
- On the next step, locate a corresponding Athlinks Race, if any. This step is mainly useful for events that were linked to an existing Athlinks event when the CT Live event was created. This step will allow you to link CT Live races to existing Athlinks Courses so that results can be easily pushed from CT Live to Athlinks.
Select the correct Athlinks Race, or click "I don't see existing races that should be linked" to have CT Live create a new course in the Athlinks event, then click Complete & Save.
The page will refresh, and your race will be displayed on the main Event tab as shown below. You can click on the race to edit its settings. You may notice that the Actual Start and Gun Start fields now appear. These are useful after tag data has been streamed.
You can have up to 6 races for your event. If you find it necessary to have more than 6 races, contact your Regional Sales Manager.
From here you can proceed to Setting Up Registration