If you are using a discount service such as Groupon to drive registration for your event or you are moving registration to CT Live from a different platform and don't want to have to create existing codes from scratch, you can easily import a list of coupon codes into CT Live.
A coupon list MUST be in CSV format with a single column labeled COUPONS
Uploading the List
- Navigate to the Registration > Coupons tab in your event.
- Ensure that the Coupons slide is enabled for each Form type and Reg Choice in which the Coupon codes should be available.
Remember to click Save and Release a New Reg Form after making any changes to the Coupon settings. - Now, click the + Add Coupon button.
- In the window that appears, enter a Name for you coupon code and then check the Series coupon code type.
- Enter the number of Max uses allowed for each code in your file, then determine the expiration date for the codes.
- Click Continue
- On the next screen, enter the discount Amount and Type for any Reg Choices to which the codes will apply, then click Continue
- Next, click the Series Type dropdown and select Upload
- Click the Select file button and locate the file containing your coupon codes and select it.
- Click Continue. The final step will confirm the total number of coupons to be uploaded to the event. Click Complete and Save to finalize the upload.
- The page will refresh and your new Coupon entry will appear in the Available Coupons list
As with any other type of coupon, you can Delete the coupon entry, Expire all codes while maintaining the code database in the event, and Edit the code name, pricing, etc.
To look at the codes usage stats or expire individual codes, click the blue View Codes link in the Code column
All uploaded codes will appear in a list like so, and you can expire individual codes:
Remember to release the latest Registration Form after completing your codes.